Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 8- Networks, Telecommunications and Mobile Technology

Explain the business benefits of using wireless technology.

Wireless technology allows us to get information anywhere and on the run. It increases productivity and lets us receive live data which is very convenient .It is universal which benefits a businesses ecommerce as well as allowing businesses to have mass customisation.

Describe the business benefits associated with VoIP

The benefits include telecommunications via phone calls over the internet which is a major cost cut for businesses as well multimedia cost cuts. It is also used for video conferencing and gives managers a greater span of control. It saves money as VOIP runs over the existing computer network, calls over the net do not attract telecommunication charges and customers can port their numbers between carriers.

Compare LANs and WANs

LANS are local area networks , in one geographical area for example Uni.

WANS are wide area networks which connect computers at different geographical sites.

Describe RFID and how it can be used to help make a supply chain more effective.

RFID = Radio Frequency Identification , is the tags that use radio waves to transmit data .It can be used in things such as inventory , passports and transportation . It makes the supply chain more effective by heavily tracking the inventory of businesses.

Identify the advantages and disadvantage of deploying mobile technology

Advantages would include the convenience, efficiency, accuracy, consistency etc. of the transfer of data for both personal and business uses. There are no disadvantages apart from the inappropriate use of mobile phone cameras.

Click here for Week 8 Slides:

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